Editorial Board
Antonov Dmitry Borisovich, Director of GOSNIIR;
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Makarova Anastasia Sergeevna, Scientific Secretary of GOSNIIR, Candidate of Cultural Studies.
Balash Alexandra Nikolayevna, Professor, Doctor of Cultural Studies;
Baranov Victor Vyacheslavovich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Head of the Department of Restoration of Tempera Painting of the Ilya Glasunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Professor, Art Restorer of the highest category, Candidate of Art Criticism;
Baranova Svetlana Izmaylovna, Principal Researcher of the Faculty of Art History, Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation;
Vzdornov Gerold Ivanovich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Doctor of Art Criticism, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Gagarin Vladimir Gennadyevich, Head of the Laboratory of Building Thermophysics at the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences;
Dubrovin Mikhail Feliksovich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Art Restorer of the second category, Candidate of Engineering Sciences;
Igoshev Valery Viktorovich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor;
Ippolitov Sergey Sergeevich, Principal Researcher of the D.S. Likhachev Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Doctor of Historical Sciences;
Kochkin Sergey Anatolyevich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Candidate of Art Criticism;
Kylasov Alexey Valeryevich, Head of the Center for Cultural Economics and the Center for Traditional Games and Sports at the D.S. Likhachev Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Doctor of Cultural Studies;
Lifshits Lev Isaakovich , Leading Specialist of GOSNIIR, Head of the Ancient Russian Art Sector of the State Institute for Art Studies, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation;
Mkrtychev Tigran Konstantinovich, Director of State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V. Savitsky, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation;
Okorokov Alexander Vasilyevich, Deputy Director for Science of the D.S. Likhachev Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Head of the Center for Underwater Cultural Heritage, Head of the Department of Material Heritage, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation;
Pisareva Svetlana Alekseevna, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Candidate of Cultural Studies;
Provorova Irina Nikolaevna, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
Ravich Irina Grigoryevna, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Candidate of Engineering Sciences;
Rebrikova Natalia Lvovna, Head of the Laboratory of Biological Research of GOSNIIR, Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
Sinyavina Natalia Vladimirovna, Professor, Doctor of Cultural Studies;
Filatov Sergey Viktorovich, Research Director of GOSNIIR, Art Restorer of the highest category, Candidate of Art Criticism, Honorary Restorer of Moscow;
Shafazhinskaya Natalia Yevgenyevna, Professor, Doctor of Cultural Studies;
Yakhont Oleg Vasilievich, Leading Researcher of GOSNIIR, Art Restorer of the highest category, Professor, Candidate of Art Criticism, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Honorary Restorer of Moscow.